This Creativ-Maxi-Mix "Foam sheets"with over 400 pieces should not be missing in any craft box. The different numbers, letters and accessories invite you to start tinkering and make you want more
Whether small figures, collages, photo albums or door signs, Mobiles and chains are to be made, the Maxi-Mix has many different materials for creative discovery. Straight Foam sheets is the ideal material for this Crafting with children because it is easy to process and can also be cut into shape
Ideal for creative afternoons with the whole family or at children's birthday parties.
Set contents:
40 g Craft glue
10 Foam rubber sheets assorted, 20 x 14 cm
75 Foam rubber letters assorted
40 Foam rubber numbers assorted
50 Wobbly eyes assorted
250 Rocailles assorted
1 m Stretch magic 0.6 mm